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Lookahead's 2020

Steve Gilles
Dec 22
 - In 

The start of the year couldn't be better. We had plenty of work, we welcomed Fiona back from parental leave and helped host the amazing ReactConf AU. The following week we hosted our 8th birthday party celebration. We had no idea at the time, but this was our last feast on social interaction for a long time.

ReactConf AU - Lookahead team

The Lookahead team hanging at ReactConf

For us, March to June was tough but we made it through while keeping the team intact. We quickly went remote and moved to 4 days per week. When things picked back up in July no one wanted to go back! It’s been a big change for us and one for the better.

During the pandemic I was blown away by the support our team showed me and our clients showed us. It was a pinch yourself moment where our community was at its best.

One consistent theme was that people were time rich for once. There was plenty of time to reconnect (albeit remotely) and help out friends. The extra family time was a bonus too as was the reminder of how essential teachers are.

Speaking of community, some meetups thrived. Huge shout-out to SydCSS for embracing remote and launching their live show. It's been a huge success.

Debbie speaking at a SydCSS virtual meetup

Our Pledge 1% partner thrived this year. In January they launched their suicide prevention campaign Better Off With You. Incredibly well timed when you think about it. Their full year update, and Jack Heath's final one is here:

Back at Lookahead, We spent time working on the business. We shipped a rebrand with new site, and thought more deeply as a team about how we go about candidate screening.

By July we had enough to feel like we weren't out of the woods, but that the worst was over.

To finish on a high, we welcomed Sarah. As far as recruiting briefs go, ours is a tough role to fill. We need people who are full of empathy, amazing communicators, and technical. Sarah was a hell yeah after every round and we're stoked to have her on the team.

Welcome Sarah!

Our year wrapped up with a team Christmas day at Taronga Zoo just before the Sydney outbreak. We're thankfully already out of the office and riding out the year remotely.

Meerkat with Christmas tree

Enjoying the meerkats enjoying their Christmas

Huge thanks to those who supported us this year. More than ever, we're grateful to have you all in our lives.

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The Lookahead office is located on the traditional lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded and pay our respects to elders past, present, and future.
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