Predictions for the year to come
Having just reached the nine year mark, Lookahead looks ahead to what could happen in the industry as we approach our tenth birthday.

Web Directions Code 2019
A recap of some of Simeon's favourite talks from the Code '19 conference in Melbourne.
“Although I’m not coding on a daily basis, I’ve really enjoyed meeting developers and chatting with them. Having that technical background definitely helps me understand what developers and companies are after. I’ve also spent a lot of time giving people general advice on job searching and resume writing. They really appreciate that.”
Join our team
We don’t just hire for other companies; we’re also building our own dream team.
We hire people who care about technology and train them to become great technical recruiters.
Are you a developer looking for a more people-focused role? Or a product manager who wants more autonomy?
If you love technology and want to work more closely with people, Lookahead could be the perfect fit.