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RailsCamp XXIV

Sonya Corcoran
Dec 17
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RailsCamp #24. Imagine yourself and a posse of like-minded ruby hackers* on a country retreat** with zero internet*** for a weekend of fun. You’ll laugh, hack, eat, learn, trek, flying-fox and play boatloads of Werewolf.

* 38 rubyists

** Camp Woodfiled, Hobart, TAS

*** But we did have a gem server AND!!! All thanks to @sj26


RailsCamp is like running rake db:drop db:create db:migrate for your head, heart and soul. Maybe you’ll learn what happens when you don’t comment out turbolinks, or maybe you’ll make your first ever git commit. But, in between the coding, you’ll have ample opportunity to get to know some of the kindest, smartest, interesting and insightful people around.


RailsCamp has been running twice a year for 12 years = RailsCamp24. Anyone can volunteer to organise and host the camp, and you’ll receive support from the RubyAU committee. Next one will be in Perth, WA - stay tuned for details.

I already knew

  • Jess aka @NoiselessDwindl would have a whale of a time at her first ever RubyOnRails (RoRo) event, and that she would do the @LookaheadSearch diversity ticket proud.
  • I’d be working on A React-Training Workshop recommended by @lucykbain
  • `npm install` all the things in advance as there would be no Internet.
  • I have the biggest, softest spot for the RoRo community. RailsGirls is where I was first introduced to coding. The whole weekend blew my mind and changed the trajectory of my career forever.

I learned

  • Jess had an even MORE amazing time than I could have ever anticipated. Every single Ruby Happy Camper embraced her curiosity and conversation so warmly it nearly burst my heart. Not only did she finish her first ever Rails app courtesy of but she paired on her first ever git commit with the hilariously edutaining duo Michael & Selena #lolCommitsForLife

Want more? Check out our list of upcoming Tech Events & Meetups here.

  • RubyAU is a well oiled machine. Such a thoughtful and well organised community driving Ruby in Australia.
  • Coffee from a kitsch trailer tastes even more DELICIOUS!
  • I am now a general member of RubyAU looking after sponsorship for RubyConf, RoRo events, RailsGirls and RailsCamp. If you’re keen on sponsoring the community I’ll shamelessly plug my new email addie
  • Everyone should have a RailsCamp embroidered puffer jacket with the handy work of @canarycarla, in their wardrobe.


  • How @sammargalit got turbolinks to make a Rails app work like a JS app with <5 lines of JavaScript.
  • When are we getting the gang back together to finish watching Ms. Fisher’s Murder Mysteries!?! Or better yet, the film premier.
  • When’s the next episode of coming out and when can I see this epic talk at a conference!?!

A huge thank you to all the organisers, volunteers, sponsors, lightening talkers and for the sheer generosity of folks with their snacks, knowledge and talent throughout the entire weekend. Signing off, yet again, as one happy camper…


PS: My family titled this piccie, “I’ve a ham sandwich in me pocket…would ya like a bite?”

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