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Global Diversity CFP Day

Fiona Chan
Feb 11
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Saturday 3rd February was Global Diversity CFP Day. It was a day to help underrepresented groups with talk topics and proposal writing. Workshops were held all around the world. The Sydney chapter was led by Kris Howard and a group of mentors from the Sydney community (including myself) was there to help out.

On the day, we went through a short video on how to write a talk proposal, then divided the room into two groups: those with a talk idea started working on their abstract, and those without worked on coming up with a few ideas.

Ideation circle discussion happening! @gdcfpday

— Kris Howard 💃 (@web_goddess) February 3, 2018

We also had a short session on how to write a bio, with some excellent tips from experienced speakers. As it’s often difficult to write about ourselves, people were paired up to interview each other and then came up with a bio about the other person. What a great idea!

Structure you can follow and questions you can ask yourself when writing your own bio. @gdcfpday

— Fiona Chan 🐳 (@mobywhale) February 3, 2018

Towards the end, anyone with a talk idea was encouraged to share it with the room. I was truly impressed by all of them!

As a meetup organiser, one of the hardest job is getting speakers. I really hope the workshop has given people some useful takeaways and that I’ll see their talks at a meetup or conference in the near future!

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