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Dog days

Georgina Robilliard
Nov 17
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Maki visited the Lookahead Search Sydney office a couple of times this month. If you’ve seen anything I’ve posted on the internet, you’ve seen her already, but here’s a photo anyway:

She is an anxious 1.5 year old puppy, with a mean sounding growl, who secretly loves a cuddle, and naps constantly.

We loved having Maki in the office. She keeps your knees warm, and she’s a never ending source of amusement (if not, a tad distracting with her cuteness and array of odd vocal noises).

The benefits of having pets in the office are well documented. Employees who work around pets have reported reduced stress levels and increased happiness. Animals in the office may not seem like a way to increase productivity, but a pet-friendly policy is a sign that an employer cares about their people feeling comfortable. Their presence promotes a flexible, relaxed and friendly working environment. Having a dog around also forces you to get up from your desk every now and then and go outside to the park, clearing your head, and increasing energy levels.

Sydney tech companies are embracing these findings, and dogs (and the odd parrot or goat) can be seen walking the busy city streets with their owners.

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